Baroque Idol and Baroque Masters Competition 2017

Deadline for entry submissions: January 20, 2017

Workshop for successful semi-finalists: 9:30 – 5, Saturday January 28, 2017

Final competition: St. George’s Cathedral, 7:30 pm, Sunday February 5, 2017

Prizes will be awarded in both categories.

First Prize – $200, Second Prize $100 with a combined audience prize of $100

Melos is pleased to announce that we received a generous grant from the Community Foundation of Kingston and Area  to offset the costs of an expanded “Baroque Idol” this year – Melos’ fifth year of offering the competition to encourage local, aspiring singers in the performance of Baroque repertoire.

This year we are opening the competition to amateur singers of all ages.

We will award prizes in two categories: a “Baroque Idol” (under 40) as well as a “Baroque Masters” (for age 40 and up).

This year we are heightening our Baroque performance practice by having harpsichord accompaniment, and performing at Baroque pitch A=415. For the qualifying semi-finalists, we are very excited to be offering a Baroque performance practice workshop the week ahead of the competition. This workshop will be led by tenor and harpsichordist Paul Jenkins of the Toronto Consort, as well as by Melos director, Holly Gwynne-Timothy, and Melos’ core musicians, Heather Schreiner and Sarah Whalen Downes. The workshop, being a week in advance of the competition, will enable contestants to practice what they have learned before they perform in front of judges and audience on February 5. This will also mean that the February 5 competition will involve less technical commentary from judges, and more music for the audience to enjoy!

The entry form and information is linked below.

The application deadline is January 20th.

Applicants can sing their audition recordings with piano or harpsichord, at either Baroque or modern pitch.

The workshop will be held on Saturday, January 28th from 9:30 to 5 pm.

The competition (in front of an audience and a panel of judges) will take place on Sunday, February 5th at 7:30, finishing with the awarding of cash prizes (including Audience Favourite).

Melos will be in touch once the semi-finalists are chosen about a rehearsal session in advance of the workshops for each semi-finalist with one of our appointed harpsichordists – singing at A415. The rehearsal and Jan. 28 workshop costs are covered by our grant so the students need not incur any expenses after their initial application.

Click the link below for Entry Forms and Regulations


Great thanks to the Community Foundation of Kingston and Area for their generous support!  You can visit for more information on this wonderful foundation. 

You can also reach us at 

Jameson Wood

Jameson Wood - Founder & Brand Consultant

Jameson is a jack of all trades and master at most. Jameson will take care of website design & domain services, as well as the business consulting side of things including, social media/marketing strategies. He can even bring out the old DJ in him if need be! Jameson loves to bring his dogged determination to the table to execute his tasks in the fastest possible time he can muster.

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